Who We Are

Who We Are

We are who we are: imperfect people who are on a journey to deepen our faith with our Creator. We love God, we love others and we are trying to walk that out in our everyday lives.

Our purpose is to provide people with the opportunity to experience a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ, and then to grow in a community of faith. We seek to demonstrate grace in all relationships, and invite all who have no other church home, to consider us.

We call ourselves a community church for a few reasons. We love our community and we are made up of people who live here full time and some friends who spend their summers here. Some have attended other churches and denominations in the past and for others River of Life is their first experience with church.

We belong to a greater church family for support and accountability and are affiliated with The BC Conference of Mennonite Brethren. The confession of faith can be found here: https://bcmb.org/about/our-confession-of-faith/

Our Pastors

Sandi Reutlinger

Living life loving God, loving my family and loving others…and daily asking God for the grace and strength needed to do it better.  I also really love my church and my community here in the Shuswap and there are too many times to count that I throw my head back in gratitude and thank my God for the great opportunities to do what I do. My husband, Darcy, and I have been married for 35 years, have grown children and grandkids too and we are so thankful they all live fairly close.
I’d rather be out and about than stuck with office duties so let’s have a good chat at the local cafe!

Jon Gifford

Following God each day on the adventure He has set before us has become how my family and I approach life. I am so thankful to be a part of the Sorrento/Blind Bay community and watch as God empowers our church to care for our neighbours. My wife, Brittani, and I along with our four children; Kingston, Atticus, Ezekiel, and Wren love exploring the Shuswap and finding new places to enjoy in this amazing place we call home. When I have some free time I love to draw, paint, or pull out my old camera to take some pictures. Most importantly, I love connecting with people and I would be glad to grab a cup of coffee with you!