

We love missions because we love reaching people with hope, love, faith and we believe in meeting practical needs. We financially and prayerfully support several different missions groups and missionaries both locally and abroad. We take our youth to work with Mexico RED annually over Spring Break


We support Mexico Red which is an organization that reaches out to offer education, feeding and support to people in the red-light district focusing on children, refugees, immigrants and homeless. You can learn more about them here: www.mxred.org


We are supporting a start up Mission in Peru led by Melanie Magel. For more information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSebet09QU0QJT3I7YnJI9SDkder9MSoQFW7nGRAbtgHYpTEhw/viewform


Our church supports Camps BC and close to home here, Garden Lake Bible Camp (which is awesome and the best week of summer for campers or of the whole summer for staff). www.gardomlake.ca

Our family of MB Churches supports missions both locally and globally through MB Mission

MB Mission:

MDS stands for Mennonite Disaster Service and they work together with volunteers to respond, restore and rebuild after disasters affecting Canada and the US.

Click here for the Daily Prayer Guide: https://multiply.net/daily-prayer-guide


The following is a Congregational update from MDS Canada.

Even though, due to CoVid, MDS is not running any large Canadian Project and Canadian Volunteers are not able to cross the border to help on the US projects that are able to run.  MDS volunteers have been able to work on smaller individual projects in Canada following all CoVid guidelines.
MDS is monitoring the BC Wildfire situation to see if there is a role for MDS to play when reconstruction efforts begin.
In the meantime, due to a fire loss MDS BC is currently nearing completion of a new home at Cuisson Lake north of Williams Lake.  Unfortunately I was unable to take my committed turn as Project Director due to a Health Issue.
MDS Manitoba Is rebuilding a fire loss home in Vita, Manitoba
Progress is also being made on renovating an older home in partnership with Home Street Mennonite Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The complex nature of the work has made it a slower project.
MDS Ontario has wrapped up its involvement in renovating office space for MCC (Mennonite Central Committee) Indigenous Neighbours Program in Timmins Ontario 
MDS Ontario is working on renovating a home in partnership with MennoHomes, an organization providing affordable housing in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. A Syrian refugee family is looking forward to moving in by September.
MDS Atlantic Region has come along side the community of Triton, Newfoundland providing supervision and needed finances to rebuild a family’s home lost by fire. This is a very unique project with the community providing the labour force to build the project.
In Ontario tornado touched down on June 26 in Chatsworth, a further 15 touched down in Barrie, Church Contact Persons and MDS Ontario are investigating the possibility of MDS becoming involved in reconstruction of some of the homes.
So MDS even with CoVid is still actively helping people in need, being the hands and feet of Jesus when disasters hit Canada and the United States, giving people hope and rebuilding their lives not just rebuilding their homes
A reminder that if you become aware of a disaster related need in our community, feel free to contact me regarding the possibility of getting MDS involved in the repair or rebuild.

If you are interested in having further information about MDS, how to donate or are have questions about volunteering on a project feel free to call or text me at 250-803-1619.  Information can also be found on the MDS website at www.mds.org 

In His service ,
Roman Heuft, MDS Church Contact Person for ROLCC

Church Planting and Revitalization:

As part of our mission to reach the people of BC with the gospel of Jesus Christ, the BCMB Conference is committed to planting Christ-centered churches in our province. Our key goals:

>> Nurture and support current MB church planting in BC

>> Explore and discern future church planting opportunities

>> Ensure faithful financial stewardship of BCMB church planting donations

>> Clarify partnerships with Multiply

>> Explore potential partnerships with emerging church planting networks

For more information: https://bcmb.org/our-ministries/church-planting/