Ladies Retreat

Ladies Retreat

Ladies, have you ever been afraid to step out and do something for fear it will be wrong? Afraid of disappointing someone? Or just plain don’t feel good enough for God or others in your life? Could you be an encouragement to other ladies in their faith walk? Would you like to connect with women of like minds, learn, grow and just have plain fun together? Then this retreat is for you. 
Come as you are and put your faith before fear. 

The retreat is from November 1st to the 3rd at Gardom Lake Bible Camp. You are invited to join us for the weekend or if you can’t stay overnight, carpool with friends and come for the day.

Total cost for the weekend (accommodations and meals) $180.00 and the cost for just Sat. Nov. 2, (8:30am–10pm, meals for the day) $75.00

Deposit of $50 is due with registration, Balance is due October 13, 2024.

Payment Method (cash, cheque, e-transfer) Designate Ladies Retreat with Payment Etransfer to:

Contact Pastor Sandi for an online registration form or pick up a registration form on Sunday morning.